Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Apa itu Triple stemcell™ Shine Stem (SS Cream)?

Triple Stemcell™ Shine Stem (SS Cream)

Hampir setiap manusia mempunyai keinginan untuk menjadi dan nampak lebih cantik, Bagaimanapun bukan setiap orang tahu dan faham cara untuk mendapatkan dan mengekalkan kecantikan dan keremajaan. Pakar penjagaan kulit dan kecantikan Phytoscience telah berjaya menghasilkan Triple Stemcell Shine Stem Cream (SS Cream) yang menjadikan penjagaan kecantikan mudah dan berkesan. Ianya membantu anda untuk kelihatan muda tanpa kira usia and menjadi tarikan di tempat awam.

Kesan Perubahan Serta Merta Triple Stemcell Cream
  • Pertumbuhan semula kulit lapisan dalaman dipatenkan
  • Kesan solekan dapat bertahan lama sepanjang hari
  • Penyelarasan warna kulit secara automatik
  • Melindungi kulit daripada kerosakan sinaran matahari
  • Isolasi daripada tembusan sinaran UV
  • Kelembapan antioksida semulajadi
  • Membentuk semula kontur muka yang kukuh
  • Mengurangkan garis-garis halus dan kedutan
  • Megurangkan dan mencegah penyebaran melanoma dan bintik-bintik hitam
  • Mencapai kesan solek tawar yang semulajadi
  • Meningkatkan keanjalan kulit
  • Lapisan perlindungan yang tembus udara
  • Kesan pelembap
  • Formula unik yang kalis air dan anti-peluh
  • Tidak melekat dan tidak berminyak
  • Tidak Mengandungi bahan silikon dan tidak akan menyebabkan liang kulit tersumbat
  • Kosong sifar bebanan bagi kulit
Triple stemcell™ Shine Stem Sebatian 5 bahan utama terkenal
Sel Induk Epal
Dicipta oleh Dr. Fred Zulli, ketua saintis syarikat biokimia Mibelle yang terkenal di Swiss. Spesis sel induk epal ini boleh mengaktifkan pertumbuhan semula 80% sel induk yang tidak aktif sehingga melambatkan proses penuaan.
Sel Induk Anggur
Dicipta oleh Dr. Fred Zulli, ketua saintis syarikat biokimia Mibelle yang terkenal di Swiss. Ia kaya dengan pigmen antosianin, dapat melambatkan proses penuaan dan mencegah kerosakan sinaran UV terhadap tisu kulit secara berkesan.
Sel Induk Argania Spinosa
Bahan aktif ini terbukti pertama kali di dunia bahawa ia mempunyai kesan perlindungan dan pengaktifan sel induk dermis. Digunakan secara khas untuk meningkatkan “keupayaan pertumbuhan semula” sel induk dermis. Ia merealisasikan pertumbuhan semula kulit lapisan dalaman, memulihkan ketegasan kulit dan mengurangkan kedutan sebanyak 26%.
Ektrak daripada Crocus chrysanthus(Golden Saffron)Mendapat anugerah rekacipta inovatif Eropah tahun 2012. Pengekstrakan daripada mentol bunga sebagai asas, mengubah tahap penuaan kulit dengan mengaktifkan interaksi di antara sel-sel kulit. Juga, meningkatkan pertumbuhan kolagen dan elastin, menambah ketumpatan kulit secara berkesan dan membantu memulihkan kulit menjadi lebih muda.
Faktor perlindungan sel secara pintar, mencegah pertumbuhan melanoma kulit dan isolasi daripada tembusan sinaran UV.



TWO BRAND NEW LIMOS are on its way to Kuala Lumpur for Phytoscience and will be for the benefits of agents and members of Phytoscience Malaysia in their Road Tours and Phytoscience Promo run throughout the nation!

With TWO NEW product (Phytoscience 2Sllim & Snow Argan) to join the list of EXCELLENT existing products of PhytoScience (Double Stemcell & Triple Stemcell) the arrival of the new limos shows how a company is actually doing ..

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Apa itu Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense Essence?

Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense Essence

Penjagaan kulit kini telah menjadi sains moden, terutama pada lebih ramai wanita. Kini ramai lelaki juga mula memberi tumpuan kepada kualiti dan keselamatan produk penjagaan kulit. Pakar-pakar kami sentiasa membuat kajian, akhirnya berjaya menggunakan kaedah terapi sel dan meghasilkan Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense Essence. Kandungannya PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica (Apple Stem Cell), PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis (Stem Cell Anggur), PhytoCellTec Argan (Maghribi Argan Buah), Crocus DermCom Chrysanthus Bulb Ekstrak (2012 Anugerah Europh Inovasi ), Sodium Hyaluronate, Ekstrak Gandum, Ekstrak Ubi Kayu larutan air, dan di perkayakan kandungan mineral dari mata air semulajadi.

Triple stemcell Miracle Intense Essence menggabungkan tiga jenis sel stem tumbuhan, ciptaan memenangi dua Ciptaan Anugerah Inovasi Eropah dan dua kali pemenang Anugerah Nobel Dr Linus Pualing mengesyorkan unsur surih dengan molekul kecil dan penembusan yang tinggi, sudah tentu mampu bagi anda mendapat tindak balas serta-merta , berseri, dan berkeyakinan.

Triple Stemcell Miracle intense adalah sangat mudah untuk digunakan, hanya selepas mencuci muka, sembur di muka. Jika mahu aplikasi di beberapa bahagian yang lain, hanya sembur dan melihat keajaibannya.

Uttwiller Spatlauber Apple Stemcell:Berjaya dihasilkan oleh Mibelle Biochemistry ketua saintis, Dr Fred Zulli, spesis sel stem epal ini dapat mengaktifkan 80% sel stem yang dorman daripada penjanaan semula sel badan manusia dan melambatkan proses penuaan.

Gamay Teinturier Freaux Anggur Stemcell: Berjaya dibangunkan oleh Mibelle Biochemistry ketua saintis, Dr Fred Zulli, produk yang sangat kaya dengan pigmen antosianin, sangat berkesan melambatkan proses penuaan dan mencegah kerosakan UV pada tisu kulit.

Argania Spinosa Buah Argan Morocco:terbukti hanya satu-satu di dunia menunjukkan bahawa-bahan aktifnya keberkesanan pada perlindungan dan pengaktifan Khususnya bagi sel stem dermis. Sel stem ini meningkatkan keupayaan tumbuh semula, dalam mengusaha untuk mencapai regenerasi kulit yang di bahagian dalam, memulihkan ketegangan dan mengurangkan kedutan sehingga kepada 26%.

DermCom Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Ekstrak:Inovasi Won Anugerah 2012 ciptaan Eropah, berasaskan dengan ekstrak bebawang bunga , mengaktifkan kombinasi antara sel-sel kulit, dan melambatkan penuaan kulit, aplikasi utama adalah untuk menggalakkan pembentukan kolagen dan elastin, meningkatkan ketumpatan kulit dan membantu mengembalikan keremajaan.

Sodium Hyaluronate:dapat mengekalkan keanjalan kulit, juga dapat mengekalkan kandungan jumlah air yang agak besar, dapatkan tisu kulit licin dan pelembab, kulit kelihatan tembam, muda dan anjal.

Ekstrak Gandum: Dengan kelulusan ECOCERT organik, Berkesan menghalang pembentukan melanin, juga mengelakkan pewarna yang disebabkan oleh UV, lebih rapid pemutihan.

Ekstrak ubi kayu larutan air: Memberi tindak balas serta-merta pada permukaan, mengurangkan kedutan dan garis-garis halus, ketegangan kulit.

Air mineral: Mengandungi unsur surih yang sangat kaya, anti-oksida yang tinggi, memerangi radikal bebas.

Tembaga: Meneutralkan radikal bebas, menyumbang kepada pembentukan kolagen dan elastin, dan mengekalkan sistem pertahanan kulit.
Selenium: memerangi radikal bebas.
Silikon: Menyumbang kepada pembentukan kolagen dan elastin.
Zink: boleh mengurangkan garis-garis halus dan ungkapan seragam ke permukaan kulit.
Magnesium: bersama-sama dengan zink untuk membantu warna kulit.
Mangan: menyertai dalam metabolisme kolagen dan menghapuskan radikal bebas

Dr Linus Pualing:Anda boleh mengesan setiap penyakit, setiap jangkitan dan setiap sakitan atas sebab kekurangan mineral.



PHYTO SCIENCE DOUBLE stemcell™ merupakan kombinasi sel-sel tumbuhan daripada teknologi Swiss – PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (sel stem Epal)dan PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis (sel stem anggur) diperkayakan dengan Acai Berry dan Blueberry untuk memelihara kulit anda dari dalam dan memberi hasil yang signifikan.

Double Stemcell ini akan mengaktifkan semula sel-sel pada seluruh tubuh agar sentiasa cergas dan bertenaga. Ia amat sesuai untuk diamalkan oleh lelaki dan juga perempuan zaman sekarang. 

Kelebihan Teknologi PhytoCellTec™

Satu teknologi inovatif hasil kajian Mibelle Biochemistry menawarkan kelebihan yang seperti berikut:

Berkeupayaan menyemai sel-sel tumbuhan daripada bilangan yang jarang dan hampir pupus sementara juga mempelihara alam sekitar.

Adanya tersedia tumbuhan bahan mentah yang mencukupi, bebas dari gangguan cuaca dan permintaan pasaran yang tinggi. 

Tumbuhan bahan mentah adalah bebas daripada pencemaran alam sekitar dan racun perosak.

Kepekatan yang berterusan daripada metabolit di dalam sel stem

PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica(Sel Stem Epal)
Uttwiller Spatlauber adalah nama sejenis epal dari Switzerland yang ditanam sejak kurun 18, ia sepsis yang berkeupayaan untuk menyembuhkan diri sendiri dan bertahan lebih lama jika banding dengan jenis-jenis yang lain. Pokok epal ini hamper pupus kerana buahnya yang masam dan kurang diminati. Satu pasukan saintis dari Mibelle Biochemistry telah membuktikan bahawa tahap kepekatan 0.1% daripada PhytoCellTec™ dapat memberi inspirasi kepada sel stem manusia. Epal ini berbeza dari yang di pasaran, ia mengandungi antioksidan yang tinggi, jika ia gugur dari pokok, sehingga 4 ke 6 bulan ia tidak akan kecut dan busuk. Pokoknya tercedera akan pulih dengan cepat. Antara celebrity yang telah menggunakan sel stem epal adalah seperti Michelle Obama, Jennifer Lopez dan Helen Mirren.

PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis (Sel Stem Anggur)
Sel stem ini hasil daripada Anggur Gamay Teinturier Freaux, sejenis anggur dari Daerah Burgundy,Perancis. Ia mengandungi kandungan antioksidan yang sangat berkesan dan merupakan penyingkir radikal bebas untuk perlindungan UV. Sel stem ini merangsangkan pembaruan yang berterusan dan memperbaiki kulit untuk mengekalkan kelembapan kulit menjadikannya lembut dab tegang. Aktiviti sel stem kulit adalah factor utama dalam memastikan tenaga dan kapasiti penjanaan semula kulit. Solar Vitis menlindungi dan mengekalkan aktiviti sel stem spidermis,walaupun dalam keadaan tertekan yang disebabkan oleh UV.

Berri Acai dianggap sebagai “beri kecantikan”dari Amazon. Acai ini padat dengan sebatian yang dapat membuat badan berasa dan kelihatan dengan menakjubkan dari luar dan dalam badan. Ia padat dengan antosianin dan flavonoid yang membekalkan lebih banyak antioksidan berbanding dengan buah beri. Ia mempunyai 5 kali ganda tinggi antioksidan dibandingkan dengan ginko dan 33 kali dari wain merah. Bahkan ia bukan sekadar antioksidannya tetapi beri ini juga kaya dengan lemak omega,asid amino,mineral semulajadi serta vitamin A,B1 dan E.

Buah Berri Biru merupakan penjana antioksidan yang berkesan. Perubatan tradisional memberitahu kita bahawa Berri Birumempunyai sejarah yang lama dalam penggunaan dalam anti penuaan, kencing manis, keletihan mata, menentang kanser serviks/payudara, perlindungan sistem jantung ,peningkatan selera makan, peningkatan daya ingatan, menambah kesihatan saluran darah,mengelakan daripada jangkitan saluran air kencing dan juga pengurangan kolesterol dalam badan.

Keistimewaan Produk:

  1. Eklusif penggunaan 2 jenis sel stem-Sel Stem Epal dan Sel Stem Anggur
  2. Formula yang sempurna-memastikan produk berkesanan hingga maksima
  3. Di import dari Switzerland-bahan mentah Sel Stem Epal dan Sel Stem Anggur
  4. Kaedah Pengekstrakan (PhytoCellTec™)-satu teknologi yang tinggi
  5. Penganugerahan Innovasi 2008 di Eropah
Kebaikan Produk:

  1. Melindungi kulit daripada terkena pancaran UV yang boleh merosakkan sel-sel kulit.
  2. Membantu meningkatkan daya penyerapan kolegen.
  3. Meningkatkan stamina fizikal dan peringkat tenaga.
  4. Membantu membaiki dan pertumbuhan sel-sel baru.
  5. Membantu membaiki sistem imuniti.
  6. Membantu mengurangkan kedut pada kulit muka.
  7. Membantu menguatkan sendi dan tulang.
  8. Mengurangkan risiko kanser.
  9. Melambatkan penuaan.
  10. Melaraskan pH dalam badan.
  11. Antioksidan.

Hilangkan MIGRAINE anda dengan PhytoScience Double Stemcell!

Hilangkan MIGRAINE anda dengan PhytoScience Double Stemcell!

Tak cuba tak tahu kan?
So apa lagi ..
PM me now and order your first set of MIGRAINE KILLER NOW!

RM330 - 4 kotak (56 sachets)

BAGI YANG MIGRAINE KRONIK DISYORKAN MAKAN 4 sachets utk minggu pertama (2 sachets pagi sebaik bangun dari tidur dan 2 sachets malam sebelum tidur)

Teruskan dgn 2 sachet sehari selepas itu dan teruskan walaupun telah hilang migraine sebab selepas hilang migraine datang pulak kecantikan kulit wajah serta seluruh badan ..

Tak mau?

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GOLD STOCKIST - RM1620 - 12 KOTAK - 168 sachets
MOBILE STOCKIST - RM5400 - 40 kotak 560 sachets


PM atau WhatsApp saya 0182480992 

Apa2pun get rid of your migraine first k ... Insyaallah!

Note: Ini supplemen dan bukan ubat.Kita cuba dan hanya Dia yang menentukan k..

Tuesday, May 6, 2014





Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax Helps You Lose More Weight Than Diet and Exercise Alone.  First off, I’m not a big fan of miracle diet pills making outrageous weight loss claims, essentially promising huge results with little effort. However, I am a big fan of finding safe, healthy ways to support and maintain weight loss. That’s why every time a new “miracle weight loss product” comes out on the market, I’m interested in learning if there is any truth to the manufacturer’s claims. Not surprisingly, most products I’ve researched are nothing more than over-inflated vitamins, common stimulants dressed up in the latest diet hype or outright scams. However, this time, I believe Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax may be an honest weight loss aid. Not a miracle pill that’s going to do all the work for you, but a supplement that supports your weight loss efforts, helping you to lose more weight than diet and exercise alone.

What is Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax? 

Citrimax, or hydroxycitric acid (HCA for short), has become a standard ingredient in many popular weight loss products. Derived from the rind of the Indian Garcinia Cambogia fruit, hydroxycitric acid is used primarily as a "carb blocker" in such products.

Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax is a patented version of HCA. It is preferable to regular HCA since the patented version binds the minerals potassium and calcium to the substance, making it more soluble and more easily absorbed by the body. It also contains 20% more HCA than other versions on the market. Basically, Super Citrimax is the strongest form of HCA now available to dieters.

How Does is it Work? 

Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax blocks the conversion of carbohydrates into fat by inhibiting an enzyme called ATP-Citrate Lyase. It promotes storing excess energy from unused carbohydrates as glycogen rather than fat. This then signals the brain to turn off all hunger signals. As a result, it suppresses appetite as well.

Clinical Studies Show Super Citrimax Helps You Lose Weight. The results from clinical studies are nothing short of surprising – that Super Citrimax is not just another fad ingredient, but an effective weight loss aid. Both Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and Andhra University in Visakhapatnam, India, completed extensive research on this ingredient. Not only does Super Citrimax increase fat oxidation ("fat burning") and suppress the appetite, but it may also help lower bad cholesterol levels while pushing up the good cholesterol. In addition, it increases serotonin levels in the brain, a neurotransmitter that helps improve moods, as well as decrease hunger and improve sleep. This especially benefits emotional dieters who succumb to fatty or sugary foods when they are feeling particularly overwhelmed, depressed and emotional.

Realistic Results. Now, when you look closer at the studies, you see that the results aren’t outrageous such as 30 lbs lost in 30 days, but realistic and attainable. In the Georgetown study, participants lost an average of 5.4% in bodyweight and BMI decreased by 5.2% over the course of 8 weeks. They were also restricted to 2,000 calories per day and walked 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week.

A two hundred pound man would have lost 10.8 lbs., or 1.35 lbs. per week. Although that's well within the realms of what you can expect to accomplish on your own with a rigorous training program and a restrictive diet, it is encouraging to see such weight loss on a very moderate diet and exercise program. Considering the increase in body weight lost in comparison with the control group (who only took a placebo), I believe this indicates the Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax does in fact aid in helping to lose weight.

Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax certainly doesn’t do all the work for you. You need to implement a healthy eating plan and consistent exercise, but I believe it can help you in your weight loss journey and achieve your goals sooner than with just diet and exercise alone. After all, when you’re losing weight, can you ever have too much help?

Does Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax Affect the Nervous System – Will it Make Me Jittery? 

This is some of the best news of all. One of the reasons I have used so few diet aids in the past is because so many of them are hyped up stimulants. I’m fairly sensitive to most stimulants --- they make me feel jittery, heart beats frantically and makes it difficult for me to sleep at night. So, I’m not interested in any diet aids whose chief ingredient is a stimulant, whether it’s ephedra, caffeine (I prefer my caffeine in the form of coffee and tea) or one of their cousins.

That’s one of the reasons I’m so excited to try Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax. It isn’t a stimulant and doesn’t affect the nervous system at all. There are no jitters, frantic heart beat or difficulty falling asleep. Furthermore, it’s natural grown, comes from fruit and has a long history of effectiveness, which makes it difficult to point out any significant drawbacks.

How Much Should I Take? 

The recommended dosage is 500 mgs of Hydroxycitric Acid 30-60 minutes before every meal on a daily basis. Maximum weight loss results are achieved with a dose of 900 mgs three times daily (the Georgetown study used 2800 mg per day). Remember that is mgs of HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), not merely mgs of Garcinia Cambogia Extract. Phytoscience 2Sllim sachets contains 3500mgs and only need to cinsume 1 sachet a day before breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The amounts and ratios of the Garcinia Combogia Extract and Hydroxycitric Acid vary among manufactures, so check the labels before buying. 

My Personal Experience with Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax. As part of my personal weight loss journey, Operation Skinny, I will be using Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax in conjunction with a nutritious diet and consistent exercise program. For further details on my starting stats and how I plan to accomplish this, please see Plan of Attack and The Beginning. I will be posting my results here as well as in my other hubs so you can see for yourself my results with Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax. If I experience no noticeable benefits, I will say so as well.

Where Can I get Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citrimax and How Much Does it Cost? 

You can get it here. Latest product of Phytoscience called Phytoscience 2Sllim Super Citramz Slimming Powder!! Each packs contains 14 sachets of 3500mg and once a day intake will last you about 1 month for a packet.

How much will it cost depending on the package you chose.Please refer to the picture attached. We are having an Introductory Promotion now! Limited Period ONLY!

2- PhytoCellTec™ Argan STEMCELL--
4- PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis (Grape Stemcell)--



SILVER - (1 sachet a day - Approximately 2 MONTHS SUPPLY)
West Malaysia 4 pack 2SLLIM = RM385.00
East Malaysia 4 packs 2SLLim=RM405.00

West Malaysia 18 PACKS 2SLLIM = RM1920.00
East Malaysia 20 PACKS 2SSLIM=RM2015.00

West Malaysia 48 PACKS 2SLLIM= RM6140.00
East Malaysia 54 PACKS 2SLLIM= RM6445.00

All packages comes with FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP and follows all Bonuses and income plan.

PM me now here or Whatsapp 0182480992 for price and info.





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Friday, May 2, 2014

Triple Stemcell™ Shine Stem

Triple Stemcell™ Shine Stem

Almost all human longs for a beautiful, good looking appearance, however not everyone understands the secrets to retain the good and youthful look. Our skin care and beauty experts have successfully developed the Triple Stemcell Shine Stem Stem (SS Cream) which made beauty care simple and effective. It helps you to look young regardless of your age and be a centre of attraction among crowds.

  • Patented deep level dermal cellsrejuvenation
  • Long-lasting makeup
  • Balance skin tone
  • Protect skin from sunlight
  • Block UV rays
  • Natural antioxidant and moisturizer
  • Create 3D facial features
  • Reduce fine wrinkles and wrinkles
  • Reduce and prevent formation of melanin and pigmentation
  • Natural nude makeup
  • Enhance skin elasticity
  • Breathable protective film
  • Moisturizing
  • Waterproof and sweat-proof
  • Non-sticky and non-greasy
  • Nil-silicon to prevent clogged pores
  • Zero burden

5 notable key ingredients in Triple stemcell™ Shine Stem

Apple stem cell
It is developed by the renowned Chief scientist of Mibelle Biochemistry, Dr. Fred Zulli. The apple stem cell of this specific species can activate 80% stem cells from hibernation in human body and it delays ageing.
Grape stem cell
It is developed by the renowned Chief scientist of Mibelle Biochemistry, Dr. Fred Zulli, and is rich in anthocyanin. It effectively delays ageing process and prevents damages to skin caused by UV..
Argania Spinosa (Moroccan argan) stem cell
The world’s first bioactive ingredient which has been scientifically proven to protect and activate dermal stem cells. It rejuvenates dermal stem cells from deep level, firms the skin and reduces wrinkles up to 26%.
Crocus chrysanthus bulb extract
A material that has won Innovation Award 2012 European Invention. The bulb extract is used as the foundation to activate dermal cell to reverse ageing process, promote synthesis of collagen and elastin, therefore increases skin density effectively and regains youthful look.
A protective factor for intelligence cells, prevents melanin formation of skin and blocks UV rays

Triple Stemcell™ Miracle Intense Essence

Triple stemcell™ Miracle Intense Essence

Skin care has become a science in the modern world, In addition to more women, and men began to focus on the quality and safety of skin care products. Our experts constantly breakthrough of cell therapies, Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense ESSENSE. In addition with PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica (Apple Stem Cell), PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis (Grape Stem Cell), PhytoCellTec Argan (Morocco Argan Fruit), DermCom Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Extract (2012 Europh Innovation Prize),Hyaluronic Acid, Wheat Extract, Acid Hydrolyzed Cassava Extract, and has extensive mineral springs.

Triple stemcell Miracle Intense Essence combining three kinds of plant stem cells. The invention won two European Innovation Invention Awards and twice Nobel Prize winner’s Dr. Linus Pualing recommended trace elements with small molecules and high penetrability , certainly be able to let you have immediate surface reaction, radiant, and confident.

Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense is very simple to use. After cleansing, spray in the face and can spray on other parts of the body too.

Uttwiller Spatlauber Apple Stemcell: Successfully developed by Mibelle Biochemistry chief scientist Dr Fred Zulli, this variety of apple stem cells can activate dormant stem cells in 80% of the human body cell regeneration and delay the aging process.

Gamay Teinturier Freaux Grape Stemcell: Successfully developed by Mibelle Biochemistry chief scientist Dr Fred Zulli, the product very rich in anthocyanin pigments,which delay the aging process effectively and prevent UV damage to skin tissue.

Argania Spinosa Morocco Argan Fruit: The world's first proven shown that the active substance having a dermal stem cells, the efficacy of protection and activation. Specifically for dermal stem cells ability to regenerate. In order to achieve a deep skin regeneration, Skin restore firmness, and reduce wrinkles up to 26%.

For a more detailed product overview please click on the picture below:

DermCom Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Extract: Won Innovation Award 2012 European invention, Its flower bulb extract based, activating communication between the cells of the skin, and thus reversed the degree of skin aging, the major applications are to promote the formation of collagen and elastin, improve skin density and help regain youth.

Sodium Hyaluronate: able to maintain skin elasticity, but also able to retain a relatively large amount of water , get smooth and moisturizing skin tissue, skin look plumpy, young and exlasting. Wheat extract: By ECOCERT organic approval, Effectively inhibit the formation of melanin , but also to prevent UV-induced coloring, more rapid whitening.

Hydrolyzed cassava extract: Has immediate surface reaction, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, Firming the role of the skin Mineral springs: Has a very rich trace elements, powerful anti-oxidant and fight against free radicals.

Copper: Neutralizes free radicals, contribute to the formation of collagen and elastin, and maintain the skin's defense systems. Selenium: against free radicals.

Silicon: Contribute to the formation of collagen and elastin. Zinc: can reduce the fine lines of the skin surface and uniform expression to the skin surface.

Magnesium: along with zinc to help skin tones. Manganese: participate in the metabolism of collagen and eliminates free radical

PHYTOSCIENCE™ Double Stemcell

PHYTOCELL™ Double Stemcell contains differenpes of plant cell combinations by Swiss phyto stem cell technologies - PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) and PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis (grape stem cell), and is further enriched with nutrient-rich Acai berry and blueberry. It nourishes your skin from the inner level to give you a significant and effective result. DOUBLE stemcell also rejuvenates and activates body cells to raise energy and improve vitality. It is a safe, natural and convenient product for both women and men.

The Advantages of PhytoCellTec™ Technology
This innovative technology developed by Mibelle Biochemistry includes the following advantages:
  • Able to cultivate rare and endangered plant stem cells while honouring the Mother Nature
  • The supply of ingredients are not affected by the seasons and market demand
  • Ingredients are free of pollutions and chemicals
  • A constant concentration of metabolite substances in stem cell
The ingredients of Double Stemcell
PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple is a rare 18th-century species of apple tree which is capable of self-healing and has greater sustainability. It was discovered by Mibelle Biochemistry research team, and later the scientists of Mibelle Biochemistry have successfully developed the stem cell of Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple. Unlike other species, Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple’s stem cell has greater vitality. Research studies have shown that, a 0.1% concentration of PhytoCellTec™ could activate and regenerate 80% stem cells in human body. Besides, the epigenetic factors and metabolite substances found in PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica Apple Stem Cell have made a contribution to longer cell lifespan and greater stem cell protection. This magnificent result of apple stem cell has pushed the anti-ageing therapy to a new level. The unique effectiveness in anti-ageing and activating cell regeneration has made the product popular among celebrities, for example, the First Lady of the United State, Michelle Obama, Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lopez.

PhytoCellTecT™ Solar Vitis (grape stem cell)
PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis Grape Stem Cell is developed from the rare Gamay Teinturier Fréaux grape as the bioactive ingredient. The rare Gamay Teinturier Fréaux grape is originated from Burgundy region of France, which contains extremely high level of anthocyanin, therefore both the flesh and juice is red. It is rich in antioxidants which help to protect skin from free radicals generated by UV radiation. Therefore, PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis Grape Stem Cell protects epithelial stem cells in the skin against ageing as human grows older as well as due to UV radiation. It extends cellular vitality to keep your skin young and always radiant.

Acai berry
Acai berry is the renowned superfruit for beauty care originated from the Amazon rainforest. It is rich in anthocyanin and flavonoid, therefore has more powerful anti-oxidation effect than other berries. Acai berry’s antioxidant content is 5 times more than gingko, and 33 times more than red wine. Besides antioxidant, Acai berry is also rich in omega fatty acid, amino acids, protein, minerals as well as vitamin A, B1 and E.
Blueberry refers to indigo-colored berries. It is originated from and mainly cultivated in America, therefore is also known as American blueberry. The health effects of blueberry fruit VMA (anthocyanin) are reducing eye fatigue and improving night vision. Besides, blueberry has high level of pectin content which helps to decrease cholesterol level, prevent atherosclerosis and improve the health of cardiovascular system. The vitamin C content in blueberry enhances cardiac functions; prevents cancer, cardiac diseases, degenerative cranial nerve disease; develops mind power as well as improves flu, cold, sore throat and diarrhea.

Product features
  • Utilizes exclusively two different types of plant stem cells – apple stem cell and grape stem cell
  • Unique formula – ensures the product delivers maximum effect
  • Originally imported from Swiss – apple stem cell and grape stem cell
  • High bioactivity – the advanced PhytoCellTec™ extraction
  • Innovation Award 2008 European Invention
Product efficacy
  • Delays ageing process
  • Enhances health and vitality
  • Repairs and rejuvenates cell
  • Maintains acid-base balance within body
  • Anti-oxidation
  • Boosts immune system

What is live cell therapy?

What is live cell therapy?

Live cell therapy helps to repair and regenerate human body cell, and therefore enhances immunity. Cell degeneration causes ageing in human, therefore by delivering energy from live cells to ageing cells, it keeps human body young and healthy.

What is Double Stemcell?

PHYTOCELL™ Double Stemcell contains different types of plant cell combinations by Swiss phyto stem cell technologies - PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) and PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis (grape stem cell), and is further enriched with nutrient-rich Acai berry and blueberry. It nourishes your skin from the inner level to give you a significant and effective result. DOUBLE stemcell also rejuvenates and activates body cells to raise energy and improve vitality. It is a safe, natural and convenient product for both women and men.

The Advantages of PhytoCellTec™ Technology

This innovative technology developed by Mibelle Biochemistry includes the following advantages:

  1. Able to cultivate rare and endangered plant stem cells while honouring the Mother Nature
  2. The supply of ingredients are not affected by the seasons and market demand
  3. Ingredients are free of pollutions and chemicals
  4. A constant concentration of metabolite substances in stem cell
  5. The ingredients of Double Stemcell
PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell)

PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple is a rare 18th-century species of apple tree which is capable of self-healing and has greater sustainability. It was discovered by Mibelle Biochemistry research team, and later the scientists of Mibelle Biochemistry have successfully developed the stem cell of Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple. Unlike other species, Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple’s stem cell has greater vitality. Research studies have shown that, a 0.1% concentration of PhytoCellTec™ could activate and regenerate 80% stem cells in human body. Besides, the epigenetic factors and metabolite substances found in PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica Apple Stem Cell have made a contribution to longer cell lifespan and greater stem cell protection. This magnificent result of apple stem cell has pushed the anti-ageing therapy to a new level. The unique effectiveness in anti-ageing and activating cell regeneration has made the product popular among celebrities, for example, the First Lady of the United State, Michelle Obama, Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lopez.

PhytoCellTecT™ Solar Vitis (grape stem cell)

PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis Grape Stem Cell is developed from the rare Gamay Teinturier Fréaux grape as the bioactive ingredient. The rare Gamay Teinturier Fréaux grape is originated from Burgundy region of France, which contains extremely high level of anthocyanin, therefore both the flesh and juice is red. It is rich in antioxidants which help to protect skin from free radicals generated by UV radiation. Therefore, PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis Grape Stem Cell protects epithelial stem cells in the skin against ageing as human grows older as well as due to UV radiation. It extends cellular vitality to keep your skin young and always radiant.

Acai berry

Acai berry is the renowned superfruit for beauty care originated from the Amazon rainforest. It is rich in anthocyanin and flavonoid, therefore has more powerful anti-oxidation effect than other berries. Acai berry’s antioxidant content is 5 times more than gingko, and 33 times more than red wine. Besides antioxidant, Acai berry is also rich in omega fatty acid, amino acids, protein, minerals as well as vitamin A, B1 and E.


Blueberry refers to indigo-colored berries. It is originated from and mainly cultivated in America, therefore is also known as American blueberry. The health effects of blueberry fruit VMA (anthocyanin) are reducing eye fatigue and improving night vision. Besides, blueberry has high level of pectin content which helps to decrease cholesterol level, prevent atherosclerosis and improve the health of cardiovascular system. The vitamin C content in blueberry enhances cardiac functions; prevents cancer, cardiac diseases, degenerative cranial nerve disease; develops mind power as well as improves flu, cold, sore throat and diarrhea.

Product features

  • Utilizes exclusively two different types of plant stem cells – apple stem cell and grape stem cell
  • Unique formula – ensures the product delivers maximum effect
  • Originally imported from Swiss – apple stem cell and grape stem cell
  • High bioactivity – the advanced PhytoCellTec™ extraction
  • Innovation Award 2008 European Invention

Product efficacy
  1. Delays ageing process
  2. Enhances health and vitality
  3. Repairs and rejuvenates cell
  4. Maintains acid-base balance within body
  5. Anti-oxidation
  6. Boosts immune system

Patent Number:
US2008/0299092 A1
EP 1985280 A2